Saturday, September 27, 2008

The trailer towed beautifully ~ even after the incident on Thursday, Sept. 25th (my birthday) in Gallup, New Mexico when the "male driver" missjudged a turn at the gas station and.....oh heck, just look at the pictures! You know those posts they put around the gas pumps....they are there for a reason!

But then there was the incident at Rocky Mtn. Nat'l. Park when the same driver didn't see a tree as he was backing up until the tree tore off his side mirror and put some unusual dents and scrapes on the truck...........hmmmmmmmmm!

And the incident on the first day of our trip when "someone" hit a post with the 5th wheel while entering a restaurant and dented the steps to the trailer......hmmmmmm!
(no picture)

And we cannot forget the incident when "yours truly" backed into a tree and broke the right taillight along with tweaking the back bumper a little more and denting the tailgate (which both were already in a sad state)...........hmmmmmmm!

Considering all the miles traveled - we did good!

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