Saturday, September 27, 2008

I would like to thank all of you who have looked at my blog the last 4 months. I enjoyed showing you pictures and tales of our vacation. This trip was such a wonderful experience for us. No matter what city we traveled through or stayed at, there was something interesting about each community. We met many interesting people from all parts of the country and shared stores and adventures with them. We can truly say that the RV community, as a whole, are generally a great group of people with similar interests.

Now that we are home I am going to scale back on my blog; however, keep checking as I just may post something interesting for all to read like pictures of my grandson when he decides to come into this world - target date - Oct. 19 to 23rd.

Happy Trails...................Anne

1 comment:

cam said...

This is not right. Not one dam picture of the repait to the trailer. This poor on the spot repairman doesn't get one dam bit of respect. Works his ass off in the middle of some dam alley to get these good folks on their way and NO picture of the repair.Boy that graditude for you.