The first white man to see this singular fauna specimen was a trapper, George McLean in 1829. When he told of it later he was promptly denounced a liar. An odd trait of the Jackalope is its ability to imitate the human voice. Cowboys singing to their herds at night have been startled to hear their lonsemone melodies repeated faithfully from some nearby hillside. The phantom echo comes from the throat of some Jackalope. They sing only on dark nights before a thunderstorm. Those who know them best discount stores that they sometimes get together and sing in chorus!
Everywhere we went in town, we found a Jackalope ~ at the RV park!
Downtown at the City Park!
Even at Railroad Park and the old depot!
Anne posing with one of the Jackalopes.
Chris posing with the footprints left by a really huge Jackalope.
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