Red Mesa is a small community with numerous ranches raising farm animals and growing hay/alfalfa. The Red Mesa Bakery is the only eating establishment in this "blink or you'll miss it town"...............but it serves the best bakery items, breakfasts, lunches and dinners. It isn't just a bakery. Have you every eaten "The Kitchen Sink" or a breakfast burrito with eggs, meat, hash browns, melted cheese and smothered in green or red chili or sausage gravy with the burrito so large it almost falls off the plate? This is the place to go for the best meal.
Colorado Cliffs
Our dogs had so much fun on the ranch with so many places to explore and sniff. This is Jasper digging in a rabbit hole only to find no rabbit. The dogs also enjoyed riding in my girlfriends Ranger. Chris and the dogs did yard work and hauled the clutter to the burning pile. Now if I could only talk Chris into buying a Ranger for the dogs!
These children are very special to Chris and I and we love them dearly. They are the children of Melinda and Preston Woods, my girlfriends daughter and husband. They look forward to our trips to the ranch each year and are a bundle of joy. The girls love their little brother and are a big help to mom helping to take care of him.
Left to right - Dakota-7 yrs; Naomi-10 yrs; Colt-1 yr; Ashland-6 yrs
At the county fair this year, Naomi won grand prize overall for her gingerbread cookies and Dakota won first place in her division for sewing a dress.
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