Thursday, December 18, 2008

I haven't been able to access my Blog from my desktop for awhile. I keep getting an error message and get redirected so keep going in circles. Hopefully Brian will be able to help when he arrives on Saturday. In the meantime, I can get on using my laptop.

I've been busy decorating the house for Christmas and Chris has been a great help this year.

Chris frosted all these Christmas cookies that my mom made and sent home with me after my trip to Phoenix. Mom baked, Chris frosted, We all eat.

This picture should be hung in the Smithsonian Institute. In 35 years of marriage, this is the second time Chris has helped wrap presents!

Even the dogs get Christmas stockings with goodies in them.

Christmas decorations around the "no tree". I've been very non-traditional the last couple of years and made my gingerbread lady my Christmas tree.

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