Saturday, December 20, 2008

The back patio counter tile and repainting is complete. I decided to do a little something different and faux paint the cupboard and drawer doors using 3 different paints.

When I had my recent MRI at Valley View Hospital, I went into the gift shop. They have some of the cutest things I've seen and very reasonable. Couldn't resist these cute Christmas cherubs. I have them on the shelf above my kitchen sink.

I am a very happy grandma. Brian, Alison and Brandon arrived this evening for the holidays. Brandon has changed so much in the month since we last saw him. He is more alert, eyes are very focused on objects, smiles and coos and is really into watching football on the TV!

Grandma Anne and Brandon after grandma gives him a bath in the kitchen sink.

1 comment:

Sally said...

College next week!