Sunday, June 7, 2009

The latest saga of my body parts breaking down.

After therapy last Wednesday, did some shopping and my lower back hurt some after arriving home. Rested with ice on my back. Went to a farewell dinner for Sally & Pete that evening. Sitting & talking for 3 hrs took its toll on my lower back and by the time we arrived home spasms were pounding my back. Suffered all night so ended up at the ER on Friday. The doctor determined that a muscle on the lower back and the right side of the spine became inflamed and was very, very mad at me (as he termed it). Gave me a shot for spasms and pain and also a prescription for each and to be sure and ice down my back. The pain and spasms were so bad and I really didn't get any relief until Sunday. No sleep, impossible to get up and down. This is going to be a slow healing process. The best we can determine is therapy aggravated this area so backing off of knee therapy for awhile and will do minimal at home.

1 comment:

Sally said...

OMG Anne...I'm so sorry.