Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Knee Replacement Update

I had my first follow-up appointement after knee replacement on Monday the 4th. My orthopedic surgeon was very pleased with my progress. I requested holding off removal of the staples for one more week as my history of incision healing and staying closed isn't very successful and I just hate the thought of the incision area reopening.

He explained the current technology of knee replacements and why I have two xtra incisions/staples down the leg lower than the main incision area. He makes two incisions on the lower shin and two on the upper thigh (the upper is hidden under the skin) and attaches computerized equipment to your bones, and moves the knee around to get the perfect alignment The technology is more accurate and the surgeons praise the equipment. The lower hardware of the replacement is Titanium and the upper is Chromemolby. The chrome is harder than the titanium.

I can hardly wait for the first trip through the metal detectors - first I'll set it off for the knee hardware and then the spine.

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