Monday, August 10, 2009

We were on the road at 6:00 am this morning headed for Bishop.

Stopped at the site of the former Manzanar Japanese Internment Camp south of Big Pine. We last visited the camp in 1997 and to our surprise there has been a great deal of work done on the site such as signage showing where buildings were and partial restoration of corner sections. Also major cleanup of weeds and debril. In 1942 the US Government ordered more than 110,000 Japanese-American people interred during WWII. Manzanar is just 1 of 10 camps established. If you'd like more information on Manzanar, check out the Internet (there are also pictures)

No visit to Bishop is complete without stopping at Erik Schat's Bakkery (yes 2 k's) for original Sheepherder Bread. Sheepherder bread was introduced to the Owens Valley during the California Gold Rush by immigrant Basque sheepherders who missed the bread of their homeland. Loaves are shaped by hand and baked in stone hearth ovens. Bread isn't the only food available at the Bakkery. There's pastries, fancy desserts, cookies, etc. People come from all over to buy bread here and it is a big tourist draw.

As you can see, there are no pictures shown. Yep, my computer played tricks on me tonight and after I downloaded the pictures, it wanted to go play "hide'n seek". Well, the pictures are hidden so well that I can't find them and they are gone from my camera stick also.

So much for our first day on the road.

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