Sunday, March 22, 2009

Didn't get to spend much time at my folks. My knee got worse and I couldn't walk and the pain was pretty intense. So headed back to Needles on Wednesday and direct to Valley View ER. After bloodwork, IV's, CTscan and ultrasound of leg double checking for blood clots, received the same answer - arthritis and "here are more drugs to take".

My only sense of sanity was that I had an appointment the next day with my orthopedic doctor, Dr. Stamper, in Kingman. Chris called in the morning and they were able to get me in at 10:45 am. The doc took one look at me and then the knee and asked why the ER doctor's didn't drain my knee? They never mentioned this and frankly I would not have wanted to be the "pin cushion". Didn't take him long to prepare to drain the fluid off my knee. Extracted 60cc of liquid and blood and then gave me a cortisone shot. He said if this happens again to call the office and tell the girls that he said to get me in immediately. Have an appointment tomorrow at 9 am for possible re-draining. Bottom line is I am facing knee replacement.

More later!

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