Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tehachapi, CA

When we went through Tehachapi on Wednesday the 21st, there was no snow except a little on the high peaks. However, on our way home on Monday the 26th, the area was covered with snow. What a beautiful sight!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Salmon Falls was an gold camp on the South Fork of the American River.It was founded by Mormans in 1848.It was a fairly large town,with a Chinese settlement next too the town.The town was flooded by the waters of Folsom Lake in the 1950s. In drought years and sometimes in the winter, the water recedes and what is left of a few structures and the bridge are uncovered.

It was a nice, cool walk to Salmon Falls. What you see that looks like a river is actually Folsum lake.

The dogs enjoyed a romp in the cold water and posing for this picture on a set of old steps, which is usually underwater. Sasha, Jessie, Kala, Jasper

Friday, January 23, 2009

Our trip through Yosemite on the way to Brian and Alison's was not the most scenic due to the constant downpour of rain, foggy conditions, low clouds, snow adjacent to the roadways and a muddy, muddy mess. Fortunately no icy conditions as it was not that cold.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Guess Who? A hint - my last name is spelled with one "O".

When I am happy, I am happy!

When I'm upset - look out!

My dad teases me and blows in my face

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Did summer arrive early? Temp in the 70's during the day.

Chris is trimming trees (fortunately the trees aren't very big). Our original trees were removed about 4 years ago when we had to cap off our water line from under the house run a new line around the side and to the back. We missed the shade so planted new trees last year. The dogs always help by mulching some of the branches.

This is our second try at planting bushes in front of the house. Summer before last the heat totally fried the bushes. The side bushes died two summers in a row so we are on our third planting there.

With honeysuckle bushes you get the unpleasant task of dealing with aphids. Trying a new spray hopefully to get rid of these pests.

Finally put door/drawer knobs in the kitchen. You'll have to ask Chris, the contractor, about the double knobs on the small drawer!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Odds'n Ends Pictures

I'm still trying to get them darn pigeons and grackles to stay off my patio and away from the dog water. They find dog food in the neighbors yard, then come over to our pool or dog water to soften up the food before they can eat it.

My hanging owl deterrent!

My double dove deterrent!

My front plants are blooming.

Not bad for an artificial tree that was given to me in the Home Depot Parking lot last year that a contractor didn't want anymore. All the artifical leaves blew off so I bought more artificial leaves and wired them onto the tree.

Chris installing a new camper window and frame that was ordered over a month ago. Damage caused from not pulling down window while backing into low carport

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can't resist posting a few pictures of Brandon. He will be three months old on January 24th and we will be there for the "big" celebration. Actually we are making the trip to bring home our cargo trailer (good excuse as any to spend some time with Brian, Alison and Brandon).

Dad headed to work!

Mom headed to work!

Brandon headed to day care!

Some day I'm gonna be big enough to drive this truck!

We went for a drive last Sunday through Eagle Pass, to the west of Needles. It was a beautiful day and somewhat on the warmish side. The wash road was in pretty good condition so it must be getting a lot of use. We wanted to find the "clay pit" that T.More took us to back in 2000. Found my trusty notes (which were not too clear) and we headed off. We found the spot quite easily. The only problem is the old road to the pit was hardly visible and you are not supposed to drive on those roads anymore, even though they were once roads! T.More told us that the Mojave's used to trek all the way from Needles through Eagle Pass to this spot and use the clay to make their pots and figurines.

I was able to zoom in on this bird and he didn't seem to mind that we were watching him or her.

A nice sight to see this cactus in bloom.

Needles experienced a rather long power outage last Sunday evening. Didn't bother us much, weather was cool, plenty of flashlights and our trusty generator from the 5th wheel was put to use. Chris ran extension cords everywhere. Time for dinner, no problem, plug the generator to the microwave, heat soup and have buttered saltines and a green salad and the gourmet dinner was served.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Brandon's First Christmas

Looks like Brandon is ready for his first Christmas

Are these all for me?

Brian presented Brandon with a bottle of wine that will be saved and opened on his 21st birthday on October 24, 2029.

Alison enjoying their first Christmas together as a family of 3.

This is Grandma Anne's favorite picture

Why didn't I get to see Santa and the Reindeer?
This is Raja, my niece, Jessica's, dog. Her folks take care of Raja while she is attending college at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ. She graduates in May. There may be a custody battle between her and her dad over who is keeping or taking Raja when Jessica finds a job!

No, that is not his tongue but a frisbee!

He's not going to let anyone take his frisbee or boot him off the couch!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sights near Apple Valley, CA

Is it a UFO or just a duck trying to find his way home to the Colorado River?

Look out Wal-Mart, there's a Super Target bigger than you are!

We all grew up with the Big Boy and he is still making people happy!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Looks like grandpa and grandson are having a heated discussion on what to watch on TV

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm finally able to access my Blog with my desktop computer thanks to my son, Brian's computer knowledge. The problem was with Internet Explorer so he downloaded Firefox and I am now using Firefox as my Internet Browser.

Had a quiet New Years Day taking down Christmas decorations and lights. Everyone enjoyed my ferris wheel and teeter totter carnival theme. Guess it was worth the effort to put up since I won 3rd place in the Needles yard decorating contest for Most Creative.

Brian, Alison and Brandon headed home to Orangevale this morning. I sure do miss my precious grandson and the developmental changes occurring daily. As you can see by the picture, he appears to be saying "I don't want to leave Grandma". Only 19 days until we see him again as we will be traveling up north to bring home our cargo trailer, which was needed to haul all the gifts and baby gear home.

Chris planted a few more honeysuckle bushes today but this required rerouting the watering system. For the 35 years we have been married and living in the same house, I wonder how much capped off plastic pipe is underground?

It was rather chilly today -- thank goodness for a "pellet stove"