On Friday we entered Glacier Nat'l. Park and drove the "Going-To-The-Sun Road". We stopped at all the view points, hiked to a few waterfalls and when we reached Logan Pass (the highest point), we were socked in by clouds and it was 40 degrees. Fortunately we had warm jackets and gloves. There were a few construction delays on the way up the mountain, which we didn't mind, as it gave us an opportunity to gawk at the scenery.
I'm just posting a few pictures today until I can condense down the 166 pictures I took this day.
Entering West Glacier before the official entrance into the park.

Logan Pass is at an elevation of 6,646 feet and is situated along the Continental Divide.

There's lots of mountains, glaciers and waterfalls somewhere out there!

There were 4 mountain goats on the side of a hill. Easy to see through binoculars but my camera can only zoom so far and this is the best I could get.

That's a grizzly on the side of a mountain. I zoomed in as close as I could so the picture is a little blurry. There were 3 grizzly bears on the mountain and one was a cub.