Thursday, July 31, 2008

A barge carrying grain exiting the lock at Bonneville Dam heading towards Portland. This barge is carrying enough grain to fill 85 railroad cars or 120 semis. There is 13 feet of the boat hull under water. The maximum depth allowed is up to 15 feet under water as the channel is only 20 feet deep. By using barges there are less semis on the road and less railroad cars.

Beacon Rock - A famous landmark for the Lewis & Clark Expedition. A former owner of the rock built steps and ladders for people to climb to the top of the rock with lots and lots of switchbacks. Chris and I will pass on this venture.

A view from the river showing 4 levels of roads (not on top of each other)
From lowest to highest - railroad crossing, scenic highway 30, historic road which is now used as a hiking trail and Interstate 84.

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