Monday, June 30, 2008

We took the dogs to the beach and discovered a pod of whales close to shore. It was hard to get a picture of them breaching (breaking the surface) but I was able to get this shot of a fin. Will go back today and see if they are still there. Also looked for agates in the rocks which is a big event for this area. Found a few small ones. Actually, I had more fun picking up driftwood.

The dogs love running on the beach and in the water.
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox are alive and well at Trees of Mystery in Klamath, CA. Paul even talks to the tourists in the parking lot.

A nice side drive along the coast through a redwood and fern forest.

Went for a drive to look at the ocean from a viewpoint......this is the view we had! It is foggy every day and the highs in the 50's - sure beats 110.

Battery Point Lighthouse in Crescent City.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

This is the camp resort at Redwood Trails near Orick, California. The big red barn is the landmark. It is an old barn painted red. They have dances and functions inside. The 4th of July the entire resort will be packed and all kinds of events will be held - fishing derby, ducky race down the creek, washer toss, horseshoe toss, balloon throw, etc. Our camp spot is surrounded by redwood trees and the sun can't get through. The elk work their way across highway 101 to graze in the meadow.

Stone Lagoon across from the resort

About a mile from camp.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

We left Cloverdale and headed to Orick (between Eureka and Crescent City) and the redwoods this morning. There was so much smoke from the fires and several roads were closed. The closer we got to the redwoods, the less smoke as there are are no fires in the Orick area. It is much cooler here than Cloverdale so out came the flannel shirts and jeans. The RV resort is across the highway from the ocean. The elk usually graze in the meadow below the park but none came tonight. The cow elk are calving (correct terminology per the elk hunting expert...Chris) - acutually the mother elk are giving birth and will bring the little ones to the meadow soon for us to see. (Chris is laughing at me now.)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This Is What It is All About In Wine Country!

The Other Old Faithful!

In the historic town of Calistoga - known for its mineral springs - is Old Faithful Geyser. One of three Old Faithful Geysers in the world. It erupts a blast of hot water that shoots up over 75 feet every 20 minutes.

This may have been a hot spring or hot tub.

Petrified Forest near Calistoga, CA

Over three million years ago a volcano erupted 7 miles to the Northeast of this area. A tremendous earthquake shook; it was so violent that it hurled down the giant redwood, ashes, molten lava came out and coursed down the valley in which now lies the Petrified /Forest.

The bark is still on the petrified redwood tree.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Point Arena Lighthouse

The Lighthouse was originally built in 1865 and was rebuilt after the 1906 earthquake. Tours are conducted daily and you can climb up the spiral staircase to the top.

Spiral staircase to the top; one way up and the same way down.

Tuesday Touring

Smoke from the numerous wildfires all around us.

The sheep cooperated and posed for a picture.

Great saying on this car "Nothing to Steal".

Leaves of 3, let them be!

You learn to stay out of the way of these trucks!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A 22 ft. high ceramic tile mural made out of 3,588 Peanuts strips are combined to form the image of Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown to kick it.

Yes! Even cartoon tiles in the restrooms!

Charles M. Schulz Museum & Research Center

We visited "Sparky's" (as Charles Schulz was called) Museum in Santa Rosa, CA. Schulz was the creator of the Peanuts comic strip. Many of his comic strips are displayed.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A bald eagle and nest right next to the freeway.

A lumber mill on the outskirts of Cloverdale.