Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just can't resist posting more pictures of our adorable grandson, Brandon who will be 4 weeks old tomorrow.

We had a great Chinese take-home meal tonight. Even Cedric the cat enjoyed the noodles.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Grandma Anne & Brandon

Brian trying out the hands-free baby carrier.

We went to Nevada City, CA today, which is about two hours northwest of Sacramento in the "gold fever" area.

A tired little guy in Nevada City.

A happy Brandon in the evening after our trek today.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday night we had Indian Fry Bread with chunky red chili sauce (beef) and chunky green chili sauce (pork) cooked to perfection by Brian. The sauces were outstanding and fry bread to die for!

Like father, like son in the kitchen!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The guys rented a tree shredder for the branches they cut and they actually had fun shredding the branches and it took less than 2 hours.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chris has been busy trimming trees at Brian and Alison's house. There is one tree in the backyard that is approximately 50 feet tall and he can only reach about 30 feet with the tall ladder. The guys have rented a "chipper" for Friday so hopefully they only need to make one trip to the dump. And there will be plenty of chipped wood for the compost pile.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What a wonderful joy to finally hold my grandson. He is so prescious and has the cutest yawn when he is sleepy.

Brandon likes bright colors - even the color of red wine!


89 Years Young!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

6:00 a.m. on Saturday and ready to leave!

We purchased a metal divider to keep the dogs in the back section of the Expedition and turned the area into a "high-class" area for the dogs to ride. They seem to enjoy the area and are not fussing.

Trying to keep myself busy on this long drive to Sacramento. I forgot to bring the carrier that you put the camera memory stick pro into in order to download my pictures, but fortunately I have the cables with me and was able to upload my pictures this way.

As we approached Bakersfield, we got our first view of the smog/fog and it wasn't a pretty sight. We are lucky to live in the desert where we don't have this problem.

Some of the farms have covered the tops of their grape vines in a green plastic.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tomorrow we finally get to see Brandon, our two week old grandson. Brandon's other grandparents are leaving tomorrow after two weeks of helping out the new parents. I'm sure it will be very hard for them leaving.
Yesterday we closed the pool for the winter. We had two very upset Labradors because they could not get in the pool and swim. Sasha had already been in the pool earlier in the morning when the water was about 68 degrees. The temp of water doesn't bother a Labrdor at all.

Chris closing the pool......I was helping on the other side of the pool so don't think he did all the work by himself.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It looks like Brandon is tuckered out from his first Halloween. Wonder if he is dreaming about candy, candy, candy.

He's obviously picked out his favorite candy to eat after his little snooze.

Work in progress - These cabinets are on our back patio and were the original kitchen cabinets. We finally got around to tiling the counter and back wall and it turned out pretty nice. Still need to finish the edges of the tile and put new hardware on the cabinets. And the first time I see the "man of the house" hammering something on the counter, I'm going after him with the hammer! :)

Too many birds entering my back patio and leaving their "mark" all over the place so I keep trying to find ways to keep them out. These silver things are vehicle window shades cut into strips, looks so tacky but worth a shot.

See, they are just sitting on the wires waiting to make their deposits on my patio.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jasper and Sasha really enjoyed Halloween this year - can't you tell by the look on their faces that they enjoy dressing up in silly costumes and posing for the camera!
We didn't let them go trick-or-treating because they would have eaten all the goodies.