Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More pictures of Brandon. Just can't resist putting them on my blog.

Brandon's first bath and not too happy about it.

4 days old and holding his head up.

Obviously Brian wants to start Brandon into photography early.

Monday, October 27, 2008

New grandbaby pictures

Brandon has on the cutest pumpkin hat

Introducing the dogs, Kala and Jessie, to Brandon

Hope he likes beer Brian!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I bought a small "grandma brag book" today but only have 8 pictures to put in it.
Brian will be sending more pictures of Brandon soon. Brian seems to be very busy lately.....hmmmm, maybe it is due to a 2-day old baby. Brian tells me that Brandon has good lungs as he showed them last night. The little guy just couldn't settle down and go to sleep. This is a learning process of finding out what works for everyone and what his needs are. He did sleep 6 hours straight last night.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mom, Dad and Brandon came home from the hospital today, a little over 24 hours after the birth. Now they can start their new life as a family of three. Alison's parents, Kathy and John have arrived from Phoenix to help the new parents. We will be making our trip up mid-November.

9 lbs. 5 oz - even the doctor couldn't believe Brandon weighed that much. It goes to show that Alison ate healthy during her pregnancy and the dozens of containers of Tums she chewed for 9 months didn't stunt his growth!

What a beautiful baby boy - Grandma Anne is not the least bit partial!

Look at that head of hair!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Brian and Alison are now parents to a beautiful baby boy:

Brandon Thomas More
9 lbs. 5 oz.
2:34 pm
October 24, 2008

All three are doing fine
Grandparents are on "cloud 9"

Picture forthcoming
After two trips to the hospital and being sent home both times with "you are not ready yet", and the third trip Alison was finally admitted at 4 am this morning (I think that was the time). Brian called around 9 am and they had just given her an Epidural so now we just wait for the little guy to enter the world. Alison's folks are leaving Phoenix this afternoon and will arrive tomorrow.

My dad was admitted to the hospital this morning due to erratic breathing. So they will be checking him out.....but he won't be going to the maternity ward!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Grandbaby - Today was the due date for Brian and Alison's baby. No baby yet but they made a trip to the hospital at 3:00 am this morning with contractions...a good sign. Mom and dad were sent home when the contractions stopped. Now parents, grandparents and great grandparents are on pins and needles as we all anxiously await the arrival of baby boy More.
I got a killer deal on this canopy from Lowes. In May, the price was $199 - too expensive so didn't buy it. In October, the yellow tag price was $128 but the clearance price was $32 - SOLD! That's our new patio we installed last winter.

The canopy provides just enough shade and Chris has it cinched down so tight, even the winds of Wednesday didn't budge it a bit.

All good Labrador's should have their own outside quarters. We had leftover plastic lattice from the decking project and put it to very good use. The dogs are most appreciative to their thoughtful parents! And when it gets cold, blankets can be put on the lattice to block out the wind. Dogs are people too!

I guess I bragged too soon about the nice weather. Wednesday the wind blew something fierce. The windmill was spinning so fast, I couldn't get a decent picture of it. So much dirt blew on our front patio and driveway (from our neighbors nextdoor who do nothing with their yard so it just grows dirt) that I had to get out the jet vac and vacuum the dirt. My greatest wish would be for them to either water their yards or gravel them!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It is a beautiful day here today - no wind as verified by the windmill that is not turning.

The fly's have been so bad here so I decided to buy one of these new "hi tech" fly sticky things at Wal-Mart. You put honey in the bottom cup which helps attract the fly's. Needles to say, I've had it hanging a week and have yet to find a FLY STUCK TO THE DARN THING! I guess it is back to the old flyswatter!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Chris called, still no elk. Had truck problems so was heading to Ford in Payson to have it checked out.

I started the project of sanding parts of my old kitchen cabinets to give a rustic effect. When we remodeled our kitchen years ago, we moved the cabinets to our back patio. We also plan on tiling the countertop. Chris knows better than to leave me alone with tools around....he never knows what kind of major change he will come home to!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just talked to Sally and considering just having gone through hip replacement, she is doing OK. She's more uncomfortable than expected. She is so glad Gina came to help take care of her. Here is a picture I took of Sally at Corinne's two days before surgery.

Day number 3 of the "big elk hunt" and no elk. The only elk they've seen are the dead ones hanging at other camps. Hey Chris......remember Rocky Mountain National Park? This is what a cow elk looks like !!!!!!

Chris left for his big "elk hunt" on Thursday. He, my dad and my brother will be staying at Happy Jack RV Park near their hunt area to the east of Flagstaff. Just to make sure they had enough food to eat, Chris baked chocolate chip cookies wearing his "King of the Grill" bbq apron!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Our grandson's projected delivery date is October 23rd and his mom, Alison, and dad, Brian, are more than ready. Here is a picture of Alison at 9 months and she looks absolutely lovely as a soon-to-be mother.