Friday, May 30, 2008

Two Labrador's in Paradise

Jasper and Sasha had a fun trip to PetsMart and picked out the toys they wanted. A man and his small dog came up to us and said that his dog wanted to meet our dogs. They all introduced themselves the usual "dog" way...a little sniff here and a little sniff there!

Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash came to fame after his time spent in Folsom Prison.

Our Trip to Folsom Prison

First prisoner registered on July 26, 1880; rated capacity--1,958; number of cells-- 1,700. Additional facility built and first inmates arrived on October 1, 1986 for a combined inmate population of 5,500. Folsom manufactures the license plates for all of California's vehicles and also makes street and road signs.

The various contraband were made by prisoners using whatever they could find inside the prison. Read the "visitor rules" - very intersting.

Chili Bar

We also found this plaque along the South Fork of the American River in Chili Bar. This is where most of the rafting trips begin on this river.

Hydro-Electric Dams

We ventured off a side road yesterday on a narrow, twisty road up in the mountains and found a couple hydro dams along a fast-flowing creek. It was a very interesting drive to find such an operation in a remote area.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Marshall Gold Discovry State Historic Park, Coloma, CA

This park is within 1 mile of our camping park. #2-Replica of Sutter's Mill; #3-Site of original Sutter Saw Mill; #4-monument plaque; #5 stamp mill used to crush rock in order to separate gold from other rock.
Let's all try a spelling test!
How do we spell "unique"
Obviously this way and not the way I spelled it or typo'd it on the last post.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This was an unuique site to see in the campground ~ a couple walking their cats on leashes..


This is what happens when a tree jumps out behind you!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dogs swimming in Sutter Creek

Had a picnic lunch at Sutter Creek and the dogs could not resist swimming the creek

Kennedy Tailing Wheels-Jackson-Near Sutter Creek

Tailing wheels and headstock from the Kennedy Mine

Sutter Creek, CA - Gold Country

Monday, May 26, 2008


Amador and Sutter Creek, California - 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

How does one entertain two Labradors who can't go out and play in the rain. You let the outside come to them!

Memorial Weekend-Sunday

Headed to Brian and Alison's to check on the dogs today as they are camping this weekend and left the dogs home. Took an alternate route to Orangevale and found this historical Bailey House in the middle of nowhere. It was a hotel and stage stop. For more information, go to

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lots of "tin tepees" at the RV park. You can tell it is a holiday weekend. We are just a few yards from the south fork of The American River. A dam upriver controls the flow and in the morning the river is low but by afternoon it is higher. The rafting companies do not like this.

Today is rain day and it hasn't stopped pouring all day!

More later

Friday, May 23, 2008

We saw this cool antique fire engine and couldn't resist taking a picture of it.

A few pictures of our 5th wheel. Livingroom and Kitchen

Couldn't resist purchasing this magnet for the trailer.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Arrived in Sacramento yesterday afternoon and on to the Thousand Trails Park in Coloma. Found a nice, shady spot with plenty of room for the dogs. Partial view of the south fork of the American River. Took the dogs to the leashless dog beach so they could swim. Haven't downloaded pictures yet so will update tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And no trip would be complete without a trip to "WAL-MART" This one is in Visalia and is very old.

The windmills at Techapai were real

It was a very warm and windy drive to Visalia where we are spending the night at a very nice KOA park. Took forever for the rig to cool down. So we hopped in the park pool and it was very refreshing.